* Auto Buff for elf - Enables a Elf to AFK auto buff a party. * Chaos Machine Bug - Bug that allows you to get items such as Box of lucks, Star of Sacred Birth, Medals, Sack of Magics, Heart of loves, etc. * MuBot + Pickit + Minimizer - Auto right/left click, auto pickup of items, packed with the Travis minimizer. * AutiPicker - Automatically presses spacebar so you don't have to. * MasterG's AutoClick ver 3.1 - New version of MasterG's Autoclick, with fixed errors. * Auto Repair - Obviously does what it says * BYPASS - With this bypass you can use Cheat Happens. *ALL THE FOLLOWING HACKS ARE BEING ADDED TO THE UC DOWNLOAD DATABASE/FTP*

Hope my additions are somewhat valuable and not just spam.Updated by asxetos on October 27 for new global Adding more to this it might be possible to stack foods since you are allowed 4 types of buffs active but different types, so by by making the atk buff go into the def slot, stamina slot, and potion slot using some swaps? Also combining with the timers idea -> Food infinite duration instead of 300sec. Stamina is client sided, but the other stats are. There are also foods that increase atk,crit, and def. If challenge timers could be frozen that would make the game a breeze actually.ģ) Foods: There are foods that decrease stamina consumption or directly add stamina. If you are decently leveled, you could brute force everything with heal. (bosses seem to respawn at origin point) So I was thinking that in the future it would be possible to create a script that would simulate "npc fall instakill" when the player hits them with an attack.Ģ) Timers: these also seem to be client sided considering skill cds, so I would think this might as well extend to most timers in the game, most importantly challenge timers. The mechanic in this game is that most npcs except for bosses (from what i've seen) instantly die if they fall off the map. He also shared a video of teleport working and stamina frozen at about 70%ġ) Potential of one-shot kill exploit: Seeing how coordinates are client coded for the player, it may be possible to change coordinates for npcs as well. I would credit the source but not sure about site rules. This is a discovery from another site regarding player coordinates pointer. Maybe it will help someone competent to create a table/guide if pointers are dynamic. Hello guys, I have no experience in creating scripts, but I'd also like to contribute somehow with some data.