example to send an oracle database table data in csv/text file as mail attachment using. Snap! - FBI Hack, Anti-Surveillance Tricks, Bing Chat Lobotomy, Firefighter Bot Spiceworks Originalsįlashback: February 20, 2010: Commodore VIC-20 proves capable of viewing and making posts to Twitter (Read more HERE.)īonus Flashback: February 20, 1962: John Glenn Becomes Fir. Procedure PL/SQL to send a email using UTLSMTP package: Declare.Today in History: 2019 Japanese spacecraft Hayabusa-2 touches down on asteroid Ryugu on mission to collect rock samplesA Japanese space probe has touched down on an asteroid more than 300 million kilometres from Earth on a mission to seek clues about the. Spark! Pro series - 21st February 2023 Spiceworks Originals.The question is what are some of the best practices when assigning company computers to those that reside internationally and work for a 3rd party that we have contracted or is simply their own business. We're expanding and acquiring international support. Best Practice for assigning equipment to international contractors? Best Practices & General IT.2- send that file as attachament using SPsenddbmail. Hi Everyonne,I found this on my computer and I have no idea what is it for as I never used any Teramind productsĬ:\ProgramData\\ProtocolFilters.dll Apparently this is a limitiation in SQL server 2005 and is being reported here (though won't be fixed) 1- Use BCP to export your file to a know location ( with timestamp to differnitaiate the fils).